- 140+ 院校參展
- 院校及學科介紹
- 文憑試收生計劃簡介
- 內地升學和就業前景分享
- 參與2025/26 學年內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃(文憑試收生計劃)的內地高等院校超過140所,為學生提供更多元的升學途徑以及連繫國家發展的機會。文憑試收生計劃將依據香港中學文憑考試成績擇優錄取香港學生,免卻他們參與內地聯招試的需要。
- 有關2025/26 學年文憑試收生計劃的詳情,請瀏覽教育局網頁(edb.gov.hk/admissionscheme)。

The content of this website, including but not limited to all text, graphs, drawings, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.
We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translation of the Information supplied by the participating institutions / organisations. Not all information relating to the participating institutions / organisations and learning programmes is supplied in both English and Chinese. Some information is provided in one language only.
1. 你在2025/26學年內地⾼等教育展(下稱「本網站」)提供的個人資料,會供香港教育局用於以下一項或多項用途:
(a) 處理及跟進使⽤者提交的查詢;以及
(b) 就上文(a)項所述申請的處理及跟進,將個人資料轉移或披露服務供應商及相關的內地高等院校。
2. 你必須按本表格的要求及於本局處理本表格的過程中提供個人資料。假如你沒有提供該等個人資料,本局可能無法辦理或繼續處理你提出的查詢。
3. 你提供的個人資料會供香港教育局人員取閱。除此之外,本局亦可能會向下列各方或在下述情況轉移或披露該等個人資料:
(a) 與本表格相關的內地高等院校,以用於上文第1段所述的用途;
(b) 受聘於香港教育局以提供服務或意見的人員、代理人、服務供應商或機構,以用於上文第1段所述的用途。
(c) 你曾就披露個人資料給予訂明同意;以及
(d) 根據適用於香港的法例或法庭命令授權或規定披露個人資料。
4. 你有權要求查閱及更正香港教育局所持有關於你的個人資料。如需查閱或更正個人資料,請以書面向以下人士提出:高等教育分部 - 柴灣辦事處,香港柴灣利眾街24號東貿廣場30樓或電郵至emhe3@edb.gov.hk。
Personal Information Collection Statement
Purpose of Collection
1. The personal data provided in this Virtual Platform for the Mainland Higher Education Expo 2025/26 will be used by the Education Bureau (EDB) for one or more of the following purpose(s):
(a) Processing and following up with your enquiries;
(b) Transferring or disclosing the personal data to service providers and relevant Mainland higher education institutions in connection with the processing and follow-up of enquiries referred to in (a) above.
2. In the event that you do not provide those personal data, we may not be able to handle or further take forward the abovementioned activities.
Classes of Transferees
3. The personal data you provide will be made available to persons working in EDB. Apart from this, they may be transferred or disclosed to the parties or in the circumstances listed below:
(a) Mainland higher education institutions in which the Form relates for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;
(b) persons, agents, service providers or organisations engaged by EDB to provide services or advice for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;
(c) where you have given your prescribed consent to such disclosure; and
(d) where such disclosure is authorised or required under the law or court order applicable to Hong Kong.
Access to Personal Data
4. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by EDB. Request for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to the Higher Education Division - Chai Wan Office (30/F, E-Trade Plaza, 24 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan) or by email at emhe3@edb.gov.hk.